Frame Friday

Today on Frame Friday we will talk some more about our Sunday Barn. It is Timeless Barn Company's small version of a timber frame. The frame is created using Pre-Civil War barns just like our large-scaled timber frames, and built with the same high standard. The heart of this frame is built out of a 14' by 21' mortise and tenoned great room and allowed to increase square footage by adding lean to's to as many sides as desired. With the smaller dimensions this beautifully quaint and cozy structure can be so many things! Think of it as an artist studio, or a yoga studio. We have all heard about the essential “She Sheds,” or what about a home for all your show bunnies? You can create an open design in which to do any or all of those things. Not only do we create the heart of the building, we fabricate our own exterior wall panels. The exterior walls are built as 8 foot high pre-fabricated wall sections. These pre-assembled walls allow for low labor costs and easy transport. Walls can be varied with windows and doors cut out and already built into the wall for quick and easy construction and installation. The benefit of these wall panels is that they come from our shop ready to attach. We use a crane to take them off the truck and put them right onto the frame. By using so much of the original barn frame, we remain true to our goal of being Eco-friendly. What could you see turning your very own TBC Sunday Barn into?
